The “Total Pratt Knot” (knecktie)
I dub thee: The Total Pratt Knot
Since I consider this is closer in affect to the Pratt than the Half-Windsor why should it be called the co-half-windsor
The co-half-windsor ( Li Ro Ci Ro Li Co T ) is the cousin to the Half-Windsor knot ( Li Ro Ci Lo Ri Co T ). In swapping two moves it remains similar in that it is tied right side out and absurdly considered “mathematically” asymmetrical (same number of L and R moves), but different in that it is visually symmetrical, self-releasing… and completely dismissed everywhere. I believe the visual symmetry is achieved through the obvious symmetry around the first Centring move – Li Ro Ci Ro Li – nearest the center are Ro moves on either side, followed by Li moves.
Discovery Place
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SPIE Rigging
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