Rugby weather Touch Rugby at Georgia Teach After a great day of rugby, all the kids got medals East Cobb Rugby has a clinic Isabel moves in for the tackle with her team in support Brian makes a tackle a the the Life University summer rugby camp. Is it really rugby if it’s not raining? Brian on the girls team?! Coed teenage tackle? As a parent aren’t I supposed to prevent such things? Nothing like a little rugby at East Cobb Park Joshua is on his own and up against fierce opposition
Brian (gray sleeves, red socks) is injured at the start of this play (on the ground protecting his head). He’s trying to get get subbed off the field… but the play comes his way. So he does the only thing he can think to do – he makes the tackle. And then he does it again and again. The play finally moves away from him and he can limp away… but he keeps checking to make sure his team doesn’t need him. Fortunately his injuries were temporary and he was able to rejoin the game after a short break.