Non-Newtonian fluids
It helps to know what a Newtonian fluid is before you start thinking about non-Newtonian fluids. Conveniently, just about every fluid you can think of is Newtonian. When you push…
Solar Eclipse in Clemson
We travelled to Clemson for the total solar eclipse. We threw a few simple, random building materials I the car as we we’re heading out. And when we got there…
After seeing a small artistic tree made with polished stones, I was inspired to create one with LED as a nightlight for my daughter. The trunk and branches are made…
Compressed Air Rocket Launchers
When it comes to making your own launcher, it’s hard for me to do much better than the Instructable I put together a few years back. If on the other…
Heron Fountains
Making Heron Fountains with 2 liter bottles at Imaginon. It was like magic.
At RobotsConf in Florida Ben was struggling to find a way to make his bot competitive. All the bots started as identical laser cut kits. Whatever to do? Hairspray! Well…
Prosthetic LIghts
While working with a prosthetist (someone that designs, creates and fits artificial limbs) to record and analyze the behavior and performance of of amputees wearing prosthetics, we discovered that we…
Dry Ice Jenga
Jenga is a pretty simple game… that gets a wee bit trickier when you can’t use your hands. In particular playing with tongs to handle the dry ice means that…
Flip Flop
The basic flip-flop circuit or astable multivibrator (try telling a bunch of middle school kids that’s the name of this thing). This version was built after the Feltronics Flip Flop,…