Trending News:UGA GraduationRugby Collegiate NationalsVEX Robotics World Championship 2024AuroraFather’s DayGibbs GardensPeach PitchDrone NationalsUGA GCrewHalloween at workBLTThe Kings AcademyVEX World Championship 2023Smoke TestHot Air BalloonThe “Total Pratt Knot” (knecktie)Water RocketsAtlas-V Starliner capsule rocket launchUp and UnderRugby and DressesImaginonHoverBoardRugby GirlNon-Newtonian fluidsSolar Eclipse in ClemsonLED TREEMini Tesla CoilsRugby movesCompressed Air Rocket LaunchersRugbyLife U Rugby CampLas Vegas SevensHeron FountainsFirebotProsthetic LIghtsDry Ice JengaFlip FlopGiant JengaFeltronics RadioSoldering StationFirst RadioCharlotte Mini Maker FaireMaker Camp at Discovery PlaceDiscovery PlaceRaiders 2021WindmillsLoose tooth? Not in the house of rockets!Light bulb vs. Liquid NitrogenSuperconductors and MagnetsCompressed Air Launched GlidersPhotosMore PicturesRaspberry SkySir Lance-a-littleWhitewater swim teamIsabel looses a toothFortune TellerHiking the ATNot a Ruben’s tubeNot a Reuben’s TubeCamp TrebuchetEben Upton at HSCSolderingCNC MachineWorld’s Largest QR CodeDancing QueenFrootZip LineSPIE Rigging
Trending News:UGA GraduationRugby Collegiate NationalsVEX Robotics World Championship 2024AuroraFather’s DayGibbs GardensPeach PitchDrone NationalsUGA GCrewHalloween at workBLTThe Kings AcademyVEX World Championship 2023Smoke TestHot Air BalloonThe “Total Pratt Knot” (knecktie)Water RocketsAtlas-V Starliner capsule rocket launchUp and UnderRugby and DressesImaginonHoverBoardRugby GirlNon-Newtonian fluidsSolar Eclipse in ClemsonLED TREEMini Tesla CoilsRugby movesCompressed Air Rocket LaunchersRugbyLife U Rugby CampLas Vegas SevensHeron FountainsFirebotProsthetic LIghtsDry Ice JengaFlip FlopGiant JengaFeltronics RadioSoldering StationFirst RadioCharlotte Mini Maker FaireMaker Camp at Discovery PlaceDiscovery PlaceRaiders 2021WindmillsLoose tooth? Not in the house of rockets!Light bulb vs. Liquid NitrogenSuperconductors and MagnetsCompressed Air Launched GlidersPhotosMore PicturesRaspberry SkySir Lance-a-littleWhitewater swim teamIsabel looses a toothFortune TellerHiking the ATNot a Ruben’s tubeNot a Reuben’s TubeCamp TrebuchetEben Upton at HSCSolderingCNC MachineWorld’s Largest QR CodeDancing QueenFrootZip LineSPIE Rigging
All of which to say, photos are all over the place and in various different collections. For the collections I have control over, I tried to group/categorize them and like to those photo groups appropriately above. If I couldn’t link to a group of photos it’s probably a link to the best website I could find. And if there are two or more links on one bullet point, each link probably goes to each bucket or site I could find.
Gate tracking with pulsed lights, accelerators, and long exposure photographyJoshua priming and gluing together a PVC water rocket launcherJosh and Izzy with another Heron fountain… and cheese puff balls… and a rocket launcherIsabel is pointing to her loose tooth that is about to be removed with a compressed air rocket and dental floss.Max tries to convince engineering grads to open his pressurized containerJosh and Quincy get published!Marie HarrisSimplest radio receiverThe children’s library in Charlotte is called ImaginonMakerFaire CharlotteGoogle and Make’s summer Maker Camp Imaginon with Makerspace CharlotteYour first radio could be much simpler than you thinkBrian’s Science Fair display – not your typical tri-foldDon’t try this at home… I’m a professionalRaspberry skyStartup Bootcamp FinTech and CyberSecurity Demo Day in AmsterdamForging swords at SEEDS After a great day of rugby, all the kids got medalsEast Cobb Rugby has a clinic Exploring infinite water at Imaginon with Heron FountainsDIY hexabugsHow to win a battle bots competition when the bots are laser cut out of wood? Just add fire.Cast aluminum skullPrototype hockeybot with 3D printed puckQuincy and Max standing at the entrance to Freeside Atlanta holding the Hackerspace Charlotte banner over the doorFeltronics RadioAtlanta Youth Rugby, Alpharetta Phoenix, Roswell Rebels, and East Cobb Warriors boys middle school rugby clubs.Badges for the Mach37 CyberSecurity Accelerator ProgramBrothers take to the skies Isabel phishing on a camping tripMake Learn Share at Makerspace Charlottehold out your arms for balancePainting space the easy wayClemson Rugby weatherIt seems easy until you flip a piece overLaser!Brian played a lot of rugbyBrothers take to the skies Isabel moves in for the tackle with her team in supportBrian changing tires at Car Care MinistriesThat’s one cold Cheeto!Rockets, Tesla Coils, and Children on my!Soldering with concentrationFeltronics wins the Great Global Hackerspace ChallengeElectro-Magnetism comes in small packagesBrian makes a tackle a the the Life University summer rugby camp.A hands-on experienceIs it really rugby if it’s not raining?Upon hearing sound from the first radio he ever made, Joshua shares it with his sisterBen’s improved soldering station that doesn’t involve kids (or adults!) grabbing the wrong part of the soldering iron.Of course you can make a trebuchet while campingFather and son solder togetherQuincy pitching Gyomo at South by Southwest!The prototype MakerSafe for Chartlotte Startup EeekendJoshua’s “cereal box” solar eclipse viewerDry ice can be dangerous to touch with exposed skinBrian running for a try at the Vegas SevensBrian on the girls team?! Coed teenage tackle? As a parent aren’t I supposed to prevent such things?Do what I say kid, or I’ll karate chop your droneSAMSUNGThat’s not the bait… that’s the fish we caught!Our Giant Jenga set at the 2nd Annual Mini MakerFaire in AtlantaRC hovercraft made of laser cut foam boardPlaying with non-Newtonian fluidsDon’t eat that cupcakeThe dry ices actually screams if you hold it too tight with the tongsJoshua is on his own and up against fierce oppositionPower through there air!No wrong way to hold a soldering iron (unless it smells like chicken)Team 6769’s FTC robotJoshua sighting in the sun being eclipsedTwo wheeled hockey robot with black light paint decorationBot Hockey!Microcontroller and sensor circuits on a breadboardTwo different ways to solderWe’ve made a few compressed air rocket launchers through the yearsEbon Upton – creator of the Raspberry Pi, live and in person at Hackerspace CharlotteNothing like a little rugby at East Cobb Park