Smoke Test

Josh is testing his work on his control board for his 1 pound battle bot Would you believe it was a tiny little capacitor on the Arduino that popped?


At RobotsConf in Florida Ben was struggling to find a way to make his bot competitive. All the bots started as identical laser cut kits. Whatever to do? Hairspray! Well…

Prosthetic LIghts

While working with a prosthetist (someone that designs, creates and fits artificial limbs) to record and analyze the behavior and performance of of amputees wearing prosthetics, we discovered that we…

Flip Flop

The basic flip-flop circuit or astable multivibrator (try telling a bunch of middle school kids that’s the name of this thing). This version was built after the Feltronics Flip Flop,…

Feltronics Radio

The first radio created with Feltronics, while functional, was a bit complicated. And as can be seen in photographs of our early days, we did not have a consistent product.…

Soldering Station

Soldering is often a challenge when you only have two hands. Having another person offer a third hand usually just results in someone getting burned. Ben decided to not only…

First Radio

The the magic they bring and the powerful way they forever changed the world, radios don’t have to be that complicated. Joshua Made his first radio with some wire, and…

Raspberry Sky

What you get when you add a Raspberry Pi to 7 independent rocket launchers? Raspberry Sky.  We took this on the road to teach kids both science and programming. The…

Sir Lance-a-little

  The weekend between Disney and Universal we went to a makerfaire and got to participate and a combat robot competition in the 1lbs division.  Brian built and drove Sir…